A look into the state of things here at Oddity world HQ during these challenging times.
First, if you are not aware, Oddity is a brand of custom made bicycles. Frames, Forks, Stems, Seatposts and handlebars are what are manufactured in house - out of either 4130 Chromoly Steel OR Titanium.
Oddity is not a large scale operation. Sean 'Burney' Burns is the sole employee/owner/fabricator. He wears all the hats. He is also a single parent trying to survive the challenges of 'virtual schooling' from home, and making ends meet in these weird times. Sean does have help at times; interns, riding friends, and the occasional contract part time worker.
Please, and we mean please, understand that our delivery times cannot be guaranteed. It is not realistic with challenges such as; material and component availability is marginal at best, and shop hours are random and irregular due to Covid-19 and personal hurdles.
Your patients is expected, assumed and appreciated. It's just how it is for now. Things will get better, it will. Your order, and every order is hand-made in the order received, with zero tolerance for rushing thru and not delivering a product we are 100% stoked about.
We appreciates your support. Oddity cannot survive without you, the valued customer. Feel free to send order inquiries or to schedule a phone call to burnsey@odditycycles.com

THANK YOU to the moon and back!